This is part 2 of my blog post about the spring wood firing. If you missed part one, you can check it out here: Spring 2023 Wood Firing Part 1.
I discussed loading the kiln and bricking up the door in my last post. This post will cover the actual firing, and a bit of the unloading.
Here’s a short video showing the kiln as it’s firing. This was taken right around cone 9/10 - just a bit before the previous picture.
Once the firing was done, more waiting….ugh! It’s so hard to wait to see the results of all this work! I believe we gave the kiln a good 4 days to cool before we unloaded.
First, here’s some group shots of many of my pieces, posed and shot right after we unloaded the kiln. You can see the cone packs in these shots as well, remember the cone in back is cone 12. Beneath those pics, you’ll find a selection of some of my favorite pieces from this firing. I’ll link a few more videos by Anita, Steffi and Mishy at the bottom of this post.

That’s a wrap for the Spring firing! We were so happy with the results, and we’re starting to think about a Fall or Winter firing - I have a few pieces squirreled away already!
Many of the photos and videos in this post were taken by Anita and Steffi Howell, Mishy Katz and/or Gary Price.